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Curriculum vitae Prof. Dr. Bernhardt Seeger

  • Education

    1986 Diplom in Mathematics (minor Computer Science), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg
    1989 Dr. Ing., Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen
    1994 Habilitation in Computer Science, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Muenchen
  • Academic and Professional Career

    1980- 1991 PostDoc at University of Waterloo (Ontario)
    1991 – 1995 Research and Teaching Assistent (C1), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Muenchen
    1995 – 2000 Associate Professor for Database System, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Philipps-Universität Marburg (C3)
    2000 – today Full Professor for Database System, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Philipps-Universität Marburg (C4)
  • Institutional Responsibilities

    2018 – today Dean of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
    2018 – today Member of the PhD center for engineers at Forschungscampus Mittelhessen and member of the PhD Committee
    2012 – 2015 Dean of student affairs of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Commissions of trust

    2017 – today Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ACM Transaction on Database Systems
  • Awards and Third Party Funding

    2012 Best Paper Award ACM BigSpatial
    2017 Best Paper Award EDBT
    Third party funding (since 2012)
    2012-2015 BMBF (IKT 2020) ACCEPT: Anomaly Management in Computer Systems through Complex Event Processing Technologies
    2013 – 2016 BMBF (SPACES) An Integrative Decision Support System for Sustainable Rangeland Management in Southern African Savannas
    2013 – 2021 DFG (LIS) German Foundation for the Curation of Biological Data (GFBio)
    2017 – 2021 DFG (SPP 2037) High Performance Event Processing on Modern Hardware: Bridging the Gap between Low Latency and High Throughput.
    2017 – 2019 Loewe, IPDU – Intelligent Production Control in the Digitized Enterprise
    2019 – 2023 Loewe, MOSLA – MOSLA – Molecular Storage Systems for long-term Archiving
    2019 – 2023 Loewe, Nature 4.0 – Comprehensive Nature Monitoring through Networked Sensors and Integrative Data Analysis

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