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Prof. Dominik Endres, PhD

Foto Dominik Endres
Foto: Dominik Endres

Research interests

The main foci of our research are on (I) understanding how continuous sensory input gives rise to discrete internal repesentations of the environment, and conversely (ii) how our nervous systems and bodies produce continuous motor output from such discrete internal representations. To adress these research questions, we use a combination of modeling and behavioral experiments in virtual reality and the real world. We aim for generative models that can be implemented and tested in artificial agents, including virtual reality avatars and robots. This testing by implementation is vital for determining the predictive power of our models.

Personal Information
Name: Prof. Dominik Endres, PhD
Affiliation: University of Marburg, Research group Theoretical Cognitive Science
Address: Gutenbergstr. 18, 35032 Marburg

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