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CMBB Replication Award

Over the last 20 years, it has become increasingly apparent that many study results in the neurosciences are not reproducible (‘replication crisis’). The reasons for this are complex and include methodological flaws in studies, selective data analyses, a focus on supposedly easily communicable results due to strong publication pressure and, in some cases, data fabrication. In the neuroscientific community, a critical attitude towards the usual forms of publication has therefore increasingly developed and the importance of replication attempts has been emphasized.

The CMBB has therefore created a replication award (‘CMBB Replication Award’) to recognize the implementation of replication studies. On the one hand, the prize can be awarded for outstanding replication studies. On the other hand, it can be awarded for structural developments within the CMBB that improve the reproducibility of neuroscientific results per se (e.g. through the development of special databases, the elaboration of quality standards or the development of special lecture series).

The prize is awarded annually, is endowed with €1000 and can also be shared at the jury's discretion.

Young academics are expressly invited to apply. Self-applications or nominations by members of the CMBB are possible.

Applicants must submit a description of their entry (max. 1-page PDF) by the annual deadline on 15 April. Applicants who are not members of the CMBB also need a short informal letter from a CMBB member proposing them for the award and explaining their connection to the CMBB. Both individuals and a group of scientists can apply (e.g. a group of people who have conducted a replication study). Replication studies with which you apply must have been completed and published within the last 12 months.

Please send the complete application documents by email with the subject ‘Application CMBB Replication Prize’ to the (

The CMBB Board of Directors will decide on the awarding of the prize.
The award ceremony will take place during the CMBB Day, where the prizewinners will also briefly present their work.

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