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Individual Grants
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ERC Starting Grant 'SIREN - Structured Interactive Perception and Learning for Holistic Robotic Embodied Intelligence' Recipient: Prof. Dr. Georgia Chalvatzaki Since: 2024 |
ERC Strating Grant 'Wrap it up: Deciphering experience-dependent myelin growth across development' Recipient: Dr. Mareike Grotheer Since: 2024 |
ERC Starting Grant 'DEEPFUNC - Using deep neural networks to understand functional specialization in the human visual cortex' Recipient: Dr. Katharina Dobs Since: 2023 |
ERC Consolidator Grant 'SEGMENT - 3D scene understanding in two glances' Recipient: Prof. Thomas Wallis, PhD Since: 2023 |
ERC Starting Grant 'PEP - Personalized priors: How individual differences in internal models explain idiosyncrasies in natural vision' Recepient: Prof. Dr. Daniel Kaiser Since: 2023 |
ERC Advanced Grant 'STUFF - Seeing Stuff: Perceiving Materials and their Properties' Recipient: Prof. Roland Fleming, PhD Since: 2023 |
ERC Starting Grant 'COREDIM - Uncovering the core dimensions of visual object representations' Recipient: Prof. Dr. Martin Hebart Since: 2022 |
ERC Consolidator Grant 'ACTOR - Towards a computational account of natural sequential behavior' Recepient: Prof. Constantin Rothkopf, PhD Since: 2022 |
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship Recepient: Prof. Angela Yu, PhD Since: 2022 |
ERC Consolidator Grant 'SENCES - Sensation and inferences in perception, metacognition and action' Recipient: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz Since: 2021 |
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship Recepient: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hofmann Since: 2021 |
ERC Advanced Grant 'Color3.0 - An object-oriented approach to color' Recipient: Prof. Dr. Karl R. Gegenfurtner Since: 2020 |
ERC Consolidator Grant 'RED - Robust, Explainable Deep Networks in Computer Vision' Recepient: Prof. Stefan Roth, PhD Since: 2020 |
ERC Starting Grant 'INDIVISUAL - Individual differences in human gaze behaviour and the visual system' Recipient: Prof. Benjamin de Haas, PhD Since: 2020 |
ERC Starting Grant 'PIVOTAL - Predictive Memory Systems Across the Human Lifespan' Recepient: Prof. Dr. Yee Lee Shing Since: 2018 |
Feodor Lynen Research Grant Recipient: Prof. Dr. Markus Wöhr Since: 2018 |
ERC Starting Grant 'SKILLS4ROBOTS - Policy Learning of Motor Skills for Humanoid Robots' Recepient: Prof. Jan Peters, PhD Since: 2016 |
ERC Consolidator Grant 'Shape Understanding: On the Perception of Growth, Form and Process' Recipient: Prof. Roland W. Fleming, PhD Since: 2016 |
'Der Einfluss von Alexithymie auf die Entstehung und Entwicklung psychischer Erkrankungen: Können neuronale Netzwerkanalysen helfen, neurowissenschaftlich basierte Therapieprogramme zu entwickeln?' Recipient: Prof. Dr. Andreas Jansen Since: 2016 |
ERC Starting Grant 'PERFORM - Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information in human vision' Recipient: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz Since: 2016 |
ERC Starting Grant "Sleepcontrol" Recipient: Prof. Dr. Henrik Bringmann Since: 2015 |
Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Recipient: Prof. Katja Dörschner-Boyaci, PhD Since: 2014 |
Hertie-Senior-Forschungsprofessur: "Neurowissenschaften" Recipient: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang H. Oertel Since: 2013 |
Reinhart Koselleck-Projekt: "Wahrnehmung von Materialeigenschaften" Recipient: Prof. Dr. Karl Gegenfurtner Since: 2009 |