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Open Science initiatives in the neurosciences

It has become increasingly apparent that many study results in the neurosciences are not reproducible (‘replication crisis’). The reasons for this are complex and include methodological flaws in studies, selective data analyses, a focus on supposedly easily communicable results due to strong publication pressure and, in some cases, even data fabrication. These developments threaten the credibility of the scientific knowledge process.

In recent years, an increasing number of initiatives have therefore been launched to increase the transparency of studies and, not least, the reproducibility of results. These approaches are often summarized under the term “open science”. They include, among others, the pre-registration of studies and the sharing of data, study materials and analysis scripts. Furthermore, independent replication studies, which examine the robustness and generalizability of study results, have become increasingly important.

The CMBB seeks to promote Open Science at the Universities of Marburg, Gießen and Darmstadt. The CMBB supports initiatives that develop specific training programs (e.g. OSIUM), assists in the development of curricula for teaching Open Science techniques in neuroscience study programs, attempts to develop alternative incentive structures in science (e.g. through the announcement of the annual “CMBB Replication Award”), and is involved in the implementation of long-term research infrastructures for data management (e.g. through the development of the DataHub).

For more information, contact (Open Science Officer at the Marburg University Library) or come to OSIUM’s next Open Office Hour (meeting online every second Monday at 1:00 pm and in person once a quarter for an Open Science Lab).

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